VidTraffic Boom OTO Discount Links 1, 2, 3, 4 Here

VidTraffic Boom OTO HERE GET First OTO IS VidTraffic Boom Pro,  You Can Easily Get Any OTO you Want But Front End is Necessary Before Purchase VidTraffic Boom OTO, Second VidTraffic Boom OTO  is VidTraffic Boom Platinum, Third VidTraffic Boom OTO is Vid Sniper And Last Forth One is  VidTraffic Boom OTO 4 Done For You Package… All OTOs’ Details And Links Below >>>

VidTraffic Boom OTO Details


Front End ==>VidTraffic Boom FE

OTO1 ==>VidTraffic Boom Pro

OTO2 ==>Vid Sniper

OTO3 ==>Done For You Package

OTO4 ==>VidTraffic Boom Reseller


First OTO Is==>VidTraffic Boom Pro

This upgrade gets you unlimited + advanced video profit course.

Second OTO Is ==>Vid Sniper

This upgrade lets you get the ultimate video research & marketing app

Third OTO Is ==>Done For You Package

In this upgrade get your list access To The Exact 4-5 Figure Profitable Campaigns

Last Forth OTO Is ==>VidTraffic Boom Reseller

Reseller rights to VidTraffic Boom for 100% commissions

VidTraffic OTO

What is VidTraffic ?


100% Cloud Primarily based App, Drives 100% Free Visitors, 100% Automated With out Any Laborious Work, Builds Your Consumers Record Concurrently, Straightforward To Use & Beginner Pleasant Vidtraffic Increase Is the Final Visitors Jacking App For Siphoning 100% Free Visitors From Present Movies And Ship It To Your Personal Supply, The system teaches you tips on how to jack visitors and revenue from it, The entrance finish product consists of the VidTraffic Increase software program with video coaching program

Video Review For Front End Only

hello everyone Andrews here and in this quick video I’m going to show you a quick demo off big traffic poop ok so right now I looked in inside the software and there is no so much to see because this is just a brand a new account as you can say I have zero project there’s no statistics nothing here ok so the first thing you need to do is to set up your account and you need to do this only one time after getting’s account then after that everything is pretty much on autopilot ok so in order to create and you can pay for any video because the way the software work is you connect your own YouTube channel and every time you upload a new video ok we’re gonna take this video and start a new campaign for you automatically auto pilot ok so in order to do this we need some source of content ok so here you can choose where to get the content from you can choose to get it from your title and description from your own video or you can ascribe the content from Wikipedia is in article or to base and all this type so for this one I’m gonna just choose my own title inscription and I’m gonna use auto Spain to spin my content so right now the software gonna take the content from my title and my description in my videos and spin it to make it unique then you need to enter your own YouTube channel here ok so the link here on YouTube channel just goes right here and every 30 minute to check all the channels and if there is any new video what software gonna do is just start a new campaign for you ok so you don’t even need to log in again after you connect your own channel and after that you connect all of your social media accounts you need to do this once keep in mind we do not only do social accounts we do other type of backlinks way more powerful but this one’s just support its ranking ok so we do PP Energy’s private blog network which is the most powerful type of backlinks you can get to a video or whatever you’re trying to rank we do this automatically so you don’t need to connect anything so we do P P N and then we do some social accounts and social bookmarking for you and after that we build tier 2 things okay which point to the VPN and social media accounts or social media posting rather to push its ranking and after that we bring everything in Google okay so we do a very aggressive but save that leg campaign for you okay so others said he didn’t need to do this just one time and you’re done okay now every time you upload a video okay you gonna get ranked in Google now where you can find product and it is to promote okay so of course you can do promote something if you have a product on Clickbank or you wanna promote anything pretty much but right here we have a feature which called the launch list and in this page right here okay what you’re gonna see is list of all of the upcoming product launches and all of these launches and we can have the competition for it as you can see right here I didn’t click fetch right now but you can see the competition and every upcoming jvzoo or applause launch the competition for you and tell you exactly if it’s easy to rank or hard to rank so you pretty much save all of the time and all of the effort going after keyword that you cannot rank for so if you see a green checkmark that means it’s easy rank okay so just go for it and after that you can just go to the tracking and enter the keyword you only to channel excuse me your own youtube link you look at and you will track your ranking in Google as you can see it will show you your current and your brief your strength so you can compare and see if you are improving your ranking or not okay now work if you have a previous previous video or an old video that you want to create campaign for and it’s not something that will be uploaded so what you can do is go to the post tab right here and I need to set up my account first to see if so let’s just enter any information now let’s go to post okay and here you can just enter the part 2 okay so thank you can enter as a Content yourself like here so maybe an article or something right here then you enter the link you want to build backlinks for enter some tags and you can schedule suppose so if you click no it will be published right away and all of the privately privately networks private blog network excuse me social backlinks and here to backlinks all you can choose yes and click me when I want this to be done tomorrow ok 6 p.m. it add post and it would be scheduled to tomorrow 6 p.m. yep so yeah that pretty much it for the software and absolutely gonna see statistics about how many backlinks created on projects created we paint painting project every same you need to know you will also find in details training right here and advanced training for video marketing in general okay so hope you like the software let me know if you have any question and thanks for watching

VidTraffic Boom OTO