Story Machine OTO 1, 2, 3, FOUR All 6 OTOs’ Links PLUS DISCOUNT HERE

Story Machine OTO -First OTO is Story Machine Pro, Important Tip: You Can Easy Get Any OTO you Want But Front End is Necessary Before Purchase  Any Story Machine OTO ,  Story Machine OTO 2 Profit Stories is Second OTO, Story Machine OTO3 Developers Licence. you wIll get one front End and Three OTOs’ Options HERE

Front End ==>Story Machine FE

Story Machine OTO1 ==>Story Machine Pro

Story Machine OTO2 ==>Profit Stories

Story MachineOTO3 ==>Backlinks Version

Story MachineOTO4 ==>Hosting Version

Story MachineOTO5 ==>Developers

Story MachineOTO6 ==>Reseller

Story Machine OTO


Story Machine OTO1 ==>Story Machine Pro

Get More Social Traffic For FREE… Creating Unlimited Email Lists,Spin Content, Translate Content & Automatically Earn 10X Commissions From Multiple Affiliate Networks

Story Machine OTO2 ==>Profit Stories

Earn Commissions Automatically From New Offers Without Writing A Single Word 10 HOT NEW Done For You STORIES With MAKE MONEY Opportunities Every  Month That You Can Add To Your Site & Earn Commissions Automatically From New Offers Without Writing A Single Word.. Give You

Story Machine OTO3 ==>Backlinks Version

 Get 5000 New Backlinks + A FULL WEB APP That Builds Backlinks to Any Site You Want on AUTOPILOT… Get 10 TIMES More Rankings & 10 Times More Traffic

Story Machine OTO4 :Hosting Version

Stop Paying Monthly or Yearly & Getting Screwed By Your Hosting Company Every Single Month.. Pay For Hosting ONLY ONCE & NEVER PAY AGAIN?

Story Machine OTO5:Developers

KEEP 100% Profit from all client fees – never pay us anything. Charge them monthly, yearly or part of your package/other services. Offer this to clients & CLOSE MORE CLIENTS! FLIP Sites built using Story Machine and sell them on Flippa or any other forum/marketplace for $5000 to $10,000 easily. Install Story Machine for Clients & create sites for them. Charge Clients any amount you want for this, whether you want to make $500 per site or $1000 per site, it’s your call.

Story Machine OTO

What Is Story Machine ?

The Demo

WP Story Machine FEATURES…

Transform Any Blog Post into a STORY in 1-Click.
Transform long substance into short, quick expending content for cell phones and get more traffic.
Adapt your Stories with Affiliate Offers
Show Any Kind of Ads Inside Your Stories.
Add Call to Action Buttons and Links Inside Stories.
Make Stories from Posts and Pages.
Add HTML Content to your Stories.
Include Your Story Anywhere your Site.
Naturally include View Story catches
Make Your Own or Choose from Button Styles.
Include Video Content Inside Your Stories
Web Stories – see your accounts in the program.
Make Unlimited Stories from Your Site
Introduce the Plugin and Use on Unlimited Sites
Programmed Transitions for Stories.
Slide Animations for Your Stories.
Programmed Timed Browsing of Stories.
Custom Story Creator for your Stories.
Fabricate Your Stories from Any Content.
Make Social or News Style Stories.

There are two significant changes occurring on the web at the present time…

1. Increasingly more traffic is originating from MOBILE gadgets.
2. Capacity to focus of people watching/perusing content is lessening.

Essentially individuals need SHORT FORM Content that they can expend on their cell phones and do it in a superior, simpler, quicker way.

However, – most blog entries on wordpress locales are for the most part longer structure content.
So how improve for this new age or for individuals utilizing portable.

That is the place WP Story Machine comes in. In only 1-CLICK, it turns your long structure content on your blog entry into a SHORT slide based substance that we call STORIES – each enormous site is doing this today.

Facebook, Instagram and even Google is presently chipping away at making short structure content for the new versatile crowd. This isn’t tied in with changing your substance however progressively about making an ALTERNATE variant of your substance that you can MONETIZE, include slides with promotions and offers and make increasingly content from the substance you as of now have. That is the thing that WP Story Machine accomplishes for you.

Content From this Video

greetings everybody welcome to scene 1276 of the Mike from Maine show where we do day by day meets with fruitful online business people this is your host Mike Thomas and today on the show we have grapple Shukla on and he’s going to do a private demo for the mic for primary crowd giving us his fresh out of the box new programming that will permit you to transform blog entries into stories that you can without much of a stretch adapt this resembles something I’ve never observed and he’s demonstrated that it’s beneficial and it gets free traffic how about we get into it here’s stay hands-on educational plans here and today right now need to walk you through my new item called story machine and I’m making this video for Mike from Maine since he’s sending a couple

inquiries concerning this product and need to answer everything OK so above all else for what reason did I make this and what issue does this unravel the narratives are essentially turning into the new type of short substance on the web and with an ever increasing number of individuals really going versatile having shorter type of substance is turning out to be progressively significant so long blog entries long bits of substance will gradually blur away and that is the place Buchan Facebook Instagram everything is moving towards shorter types of substance and that is the reason every one of these organizations are fundamentally presenting

something many refer to as stories which is the short type of substance on the web and this will going to progressively assume control over the web as you push ahead in 2020 with the goal that’s the reason we made something many refer to as a story machine that takes your current substance from your WordPress webpage and changes over it into a story presently let me show you a snappy case of this is a blog entry we have called 10 spots to visit before you bite the dust and you can simply observe this it has a lot of spots and pictures it and everything and this appears to be a typical blog entry you would see on a wordpress blog however at that point in the event that you really take a gander at the story we made utilizing story machine it looks something like this so this is the story that will really show up on a cell phone and individuals can see this and they can fundamentally embed promotions and get more cash-flow from these accounts and these are impeccable to

as a matter of fact use on cell phone since they truly you know show everything on the screen it looks precisely like how you would see on Instagram or Facebook stories and this short type of substance is progressively appealing all the more captivating and fundamentally winds up you know commitment and better narrating implies more deals and that is the reason these things really convert better than ordinary types of substance since they are additionally captivating and with more individuals utilizing the you realize essential perusing locales on cell phones this turns out to be progressively famous so on the off chance that you don’t have this you are going to like behind and that is the reason we cause the product so you to can fundamentally get you know fundamentally transform your current substance into stories

okay and this is the reason stories are significant now in the event that we essentially parted with a lot of duplicates a couple of months back to a portion of our initial clients and they tried this out for us and they earned substantial sums of money from this so this some confirmation we have on our business page which shows that accounts really have had the option to offer a more when contrasted with the typical blogpost and they couldn’t really make more deals with this and this is the verification that our clients has you know how fundamentally messaged us and this shows it works better for stories and they do can change over more individuals into clients along these lines when they are drawing in with these accounts okay next who is for this for essentially everybody who has a wordpress website on the off chance that they have a blog in the event that they have an organization webpage and they need to essentially rapidly recount to a story so on the off chance that somebody goes to your website and ask hello what do you do you can rapidly recount to a story you really made a tale around one of our items like in certainty we read a tale about story machine itself let me rapidly show you presenting story machine

this is a wordpress blog which essentially shows what the whole module does and you can squiggly observe the story this is a noose style story and you can just rapidly peruse through this and fundamentally pick up everything this module does extremely rapidly and this essentially gives you how it functions and how you can utilize this and the outcomes you can get from this and what highlights does it have and afterward you can likewise bring in cash from these accounts and that is about it and fundamentally calls you to activity and a download button here which takes you to our business page so this is an extraordinary essentially feature another item and afterward additionally have somebody make a move at last and that is the reason stories will be better and essentially going to be utilized increasingly more as you push ahead yet on the off chance that you get an early and you could just access and begin doing this previous you will be driving and you would be really you know essentially in front of everybody in your specialty or among your rivals and this will essentially give you an edge over every other person in actuality even Google has begun positioning stories higher than normal web indexes common query items and you can check whether I proceed to suppose Google quiet at the present time and afterward type in CNN here you will

see that I get these and afterward these are the accounts I get from you know from CNN and that is the reason these are positioning higher so that is the reason you can really get more abuse and you have stories here and they will fundamentally give you better outcomes so I immediately given you how what sort of results you get and let me give you that it is so natural to really do this simply go in the story machine here go into posts here and afterward you can choose any octopus and this going to make a social side story or another style story so how about we attempt to make another style story or social we should go social snap on this catch reliably essentially pick on the off chance that you need to have any promotions on this s

o consequently embed commercials after each three slides and afterward select the class of the advertisements and spare that is it Oh your story is done you can rapidly feel free to review it here right well that is it is that straightforward OK you can likewise alter the story by altering all of these slides you can see all the substance here you can alter the substance you can alter designs you have a ton of you know choices accessible here to fundamentally small scale alter all that you need yet by and large it will make an incredible story for you with the goal that makes it extremely simple for you – good proceeding onward to the following what is remembered for the FE offer so let me rapidly give you what we have on the business page here all the highlights are incorporated here and you can see that the narratives essentially are caused you to can fundamentally make a single tick stories as I gave you right

presently you can really bring in cash from the narratives utilizing Jamie zoo where Plus Clickbank let me make boundless stories from your website you can likewise insert them anyplace and furthermore get a view story button on your webpage which fundamentally is the thing that you see when you go on a blog entry like this film button is an essentially consequently on the webpage and you can fundamentally observe that naturally share your accounts via web-based networking media naturally include pictures right now can likewise include all the tales are made for the best versatile encounters you get higher commitment and more perspectives from the portable traffic you can likewise include any sort of HTML promotions or flag advertisements inside the tales they additionally include recordings inside your accounts programmed changes

between the slides and you can likewise have a web see which I just indicated you and you have the social style stories you have the custom story manufacturer which I additionally gave you have the new style stories and you additionally have the boundless substance you can include really include any number of slides any story and you can’t generally make boundless stories for your webpage okay so this is incorporated inside the essential variant and you get everything of this in the sounds we have the genius redesign PC lives you significantly more highlights you can likewise include amazon offers Amazon you know after eight items you can include fundamentally eBay items you can include code Canyon items you can include more Bank items and essentially your total inquiry and include stories we incorporate stories legitimately from Amazon itself and fundamentally make something like point and kitchen contraptions and afterward all slides have a member interface in them and get more cash-flow from the tales that way so we have a ton of those highlights you can likewise work in records utilizing these so you can really include pick in structures inside your accounts they additionally include video promotions inside these accounts and each one of those things are a piece of the expert form next we have the engineer’s permit which permits you to essentially introduce this module on customer sites and bring in cash from them you can essentially go to a customer and state hello I’ve really make stories for the entirety of your site substance and you can simply do that rapidly with story much feel since it makes things extremely straightforward and afterward you can charge them a thousand dollars for it and afterward there will be individuals who will you know as long as we see disclose to them the significance of stories they will be incredibly handily persuaded to get this on board okay and next we have the mr.

Permit too so how might anybody bring in cash with this well they can fundamentally introduce story machine and transform their current substance into a story and stories are constantly simpler to sell a story examine Betty can essentially persuade individuals in a vastly improved manner and as long as you add the call to activities in the correct spots you will show signs of improvement deals from stories when contrasted with customary substance likewise with the expanding shift from work area to portable traffic versatile traffic will be all the more captivating and individuals will really have the option to purchase much better from their telephones itself since they’re continually getting to it so’s the reason having stories is a whole lot better for you we additionally m

Story Machine OTO