Surge OTO HERE FIVE OTOS’s 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Links Here

Surge OTO HERE  -OTO1 is Surge Unlimited Edition , You Can Easily Get Any OTO you Want But Front End is Necessary Before Purchase Surge OTO,  Second Surge OTO is Automation Edition,  OTO 3 is Done-For-You Edition, Forth OTOS is Surge Licence Edition And Last One is  Surge(Diamond Edition, All OTOs’ links and details below


Surge OTO


We Provide Them With The Surge Software, The Tutorials Video And Everything They Need To Succeed…
The Surge Software Will In Short Get You BUYER Traffic…
This Product Will Let You Get Buyer Traffic & Sales From TikTok, Fb & YouTube…
First Of It’s Kind TikTok Traffic Software…
They Can Leverage Top Social Sites Like TikTok Facebook & YouTube To Drive Huge Amounts Of Free Traffic…
We’ve Personally Tested This So It’s Proven To Work To Get Results…

OTO1 :Unlimited Version

This upgrade helps you to unlock extra TikTok features and in addition lets them run unlimited campaigns.

OTO2 :Automation Version

This upgrade helps you to unlock the automation module for automated site visitors, leads and gross sales.
OTO3:Done-For-You Version On this deliver Done-For-You site visitors and Gross sales to your clients.

OTO4 :Licence Version

The Reseller version provides you the rights to promote the merchandise all through the funnel and preserve 100% of the earnings. As you already know our funnel contains professional high grade sales copy, well engineered killer animated VSL’s all through and no expense Is spared.

They mainly get their hands on the identical funnel that will price them $3,000 to build however they’ll get it for simply .

OTO5 :Diamond Version

You experience a very individual custom funnel setup experience. Now we really setup a funnel to your prospects on their internet hosting, with their accounts to allow them to construct a listing and become profitable.

Not only is the funnel fully setup for them, however we additionally include auto-respond-er integration, squeeze web page setup, observe up emails added and extra site visitors tutorials.

Surge OTO

What is Surge ?

The Demo

The Reseller edition gives your customers the rights to sell the products throughout the funnel and keep 100% of the profits.  As you know our funnel contains professional high grade sales copy, well engineered killer animated VSL’s throughout and no expense Is spared.  They basically get their hands on the same funnel that would cost them $3,000 to build .

Video Review For FE Only

hey what’s up guys this is our tomorrow marketing blog calm and this is my search review search app created by
Billy Darr and I have a huge bonus to it war three thousand four hundred and ninety seven dollars okay so what it is
it is a brand new buyer traffic app that generates you traffic from tik-tok so if you are twenty five years older or less
you probably know what it is maybe you’re even using it but if you are an older gentleman and old lady like myself
forty seven you probably don’t know what you’re not using it but the cool thing is that this is a platform that is going
only getting bigger and bigger it has millions of hundreds of millions of users and you can get free traffic from
it without ever having to have followers or anything like this okay so this new app generates traffic for you and we
will review it right now so let me share my screen and let’s jump into this
search a review now even if I’m going to
show you the sales page I have some
tick-tock statistics for you update it
for March twenty twenty so as you can
see it’s available in over 150 countries
has always over 1 billion users and this
is 123 million in united states alone
okay so half of the united states is
using this app and as you can see
monthly active users is 800 million
active okay now you know we have
downloads and everything else but the
most important thing is that they have
800 million monthly active users and you
can target all of them and generate
traffic from it okay so obviously
tick-tock this is how it looks like this
is actually an app on your phone so I
can get it in the app store on Google
Play in the Amazon App Store essentially
you know people just film themselves and
kids use it just to film themselves but
the cool thing is that you can actually
get out and use it for selling stuff
okay so let’s check out the sales page
this is how it looks like and as you can
see it says search they were
world’s first tick tock traffic at
unique one-click software gets you
autopilot free buyer traffic in 60
seconds never before has it been this
easy to get free buyer traffic now this
is truly the number one at 4 tick tock
I’ve never seen anything similar to it
so let’s just scroll down here three
simple steps obviously gonna get tons of
traffic from it because no one else is
using you know you’re doing anything
similar because this is the first ad for
generating tick tock traffic obviously
these guys will also show you how to
turn this traffic into sales start again
$100 per day scrolling down here so they
are you know explaining how this works
this is the name of this new traffic
software surge app scrolling down here
you can go for all this in your own time
as always
obviously you can use this for anything
so for affiliate marketing or less
building for product is for selling
products if you’re an author or if
you’re a stay-at-home dad or mom or if
you have an econ store you can use this
to make money some testimonials right
here and these guys will give you some
bonuses so right on right here on the
sales page you have five bonuses you’re
gonna get my bonuses on top of this and
my bonuses are worth $3500 okay 30 days
actually this is a 90 days money back
guarantee okay so these guys really went
all out you have three months to test it
out and then decide if this is for you
or not so absolutely no risk a little
summer that’s essentially it and Billy
are just an all pay and dip john gosvami
these are the three guys behind this new
product now let’s check out the inside
of the members area this is how it looks
like so essentially tik-tok is four
video okay so you’re going to be
creating super small videos they’re
actually done for you and you don’t have
to film yourself or you don’t have to
actually have followers or actually
focus on getting followers because it
generates you traffic regardless of how
many followers you have on tik tok okay
so even if you’re brand new even if you
don’t have tik-tok yet you can still use
this to generate traffic so we have a
welcome video right here then we have
video post so as you can
see we can choose your viral video
platform so we can get it from ticked up
or from YouTube so two different ways of
actually generating these video posts
then we have live posts again we can
choose a video platform because just
like Instagram you’re going to have your
normal post and your life posts okay
then we have blog post you can hook up
your RSS feed to it as well a slideshow
post so this is for creating videos with
simple images okay so as you can see
we’re going to be searching images we
can type in the keyword and upload our
own images search images and the image
source can be Flickr pixabay or or both
okay so essentially searchable create
super simple looking videos out of
images and we can also create a carousel
post so again this is you know just
images rotating and you’re gonna be
getting traffic this way as you can see
we can import Facebook right here which
means that you can hook up your Facebook
accounts to it and our coughing and we
have all the statistics right here so
right now you know I didn’t create any
post so it’s not available yet and
obviously on top of all this you’re
gonna get the training so this is how it
looks like so water search connecting to
Facebook a video post customized
carousel posts customized slideshow post
and posting to your blog or website then
obviously we have the support and that’s
essentially it again you don’t need
followers for this you don’t need to
create videos these videos will be done
for you and all you have to start doing
is just start posting get the traffic
and start selling super simple and again
all the video training is included on
how to use it and how to make money with
it right now let’s check out all of the
upsells and the actual pricing okay so
search is super cheap it will be $17 but
with that being said $17 is the early
bird price so keep in mind you’re gonna
have to show up early to snatch it for
$17 and then we have five one-time
offers okay so first I’m going to tell
you what these are and
we will dive deeper into it okay so
audio number one is the unlimited
edition 90 excuse me $49 then we have
automated Edition $49 as well then we
have done for you Edition $197 license
rights for $49 and Diamond Edition for
$197 and as always guys I have a full
written review for you already and this
will include the funnel so the unlimited
edition lets you unlock additional
tik-tok features and also lets you run
unlimited campaigns okay so the main
version has some limitations you’ll be
fine with it and you’ll be able to
generate traffic and sales with it but
if you want unlimited everything that’s
Auto number one the automated Edition
this unlocks additional automation
module and you can schedule your images
and you can get additional cool features
with it as well so that’s the automated
edition then we have done for you
edition and this upgrade you’re going to
get a bunch of done-for-you
campaigns and autopilot traffic okay so
this will be done for your additional
$197 license rights super simple you get
the rights to sell this product as your
own and all the products in the funnel
and keep 100% of the profits to yourself
again me promoting this is in the field
I’m making 50 percent Commission’s if
you want 100 percent commissions
including the $197 upsells that’s
license rights and it’s only 39 bucks
guys and last up we have the diamond
addition and in this upgrade you’re
going to get a very individual custom
final setup so these guys will actually
dedicate a physical person to log in to
your accounts and they will set up your
autoresponder your squeeze page you
follow-up emails and everything else to
hook up to your tick-tock traffic okay
so you actually have something automated
that will be generating traffic and
commissions for your own autopilot okay
so as always audios are optional and
you’ll be fine with the main search app
alone but again if you want the
unlimited edition or maybe the license
totally up to you you can definitely
to pick up one of these audios now let
me show you all of my bonuses because I
have a huge bonus package and again it
will be worth almost three thousand five
hundred dollars and these are real
bonuses okay they’re not some PLR pdfs
etc these are actual bonuses that are
currently selling for a lot of money so
first of all I’m going to give you a
total of six custom-made bonuses so the
first one is about making money with
files video secrets and traffic secrets
and on top of all this I’m gonna get
free additional traffic sources okay so
obviously the more traffic you can
generate the more money you’ll make and
you’re gonna get a total of six
custom-made bonuses and also a resellers
license to three of my top-selling
products traffic trapper traffic
extractor and Institute’s so resellers
licenses normally sell for ninety seven
to one hundred ninety seven dollars so
you’re getting free as a part of this
bonus I’m also going to give you buyers
list ninja everything you need to know
about generating a buyers list the
number one kind of a list that you
should have okay so the buyers list will
generate you tons of cash now I’m going
to give you a bunch of additional
doubles of the day product and software
blaze that’s my exclusive case study
push button traffic 3.0 out to affiliate
machine 2.0 viral commission machine
super affiliate class with 100 bucks
daily three-minute Commission’s $171
daily copy coffee profit case study
fastest way to $169 tube commission
loophole flip me tube traffic avalanche
case study on free traffic and
additional 20 plugins and software
bonuses okay so you’re gonna get
affiliate advantage plugin giant plugin
best sales page writing software squeeze
page creator through tags is pop book
sales bars short code call to action
client extractor image graph viral sweet
action simulator Facebook audience
builder instant publisher pin book
Scioscia tracker traffic over Facebook
traffic engine and Facebook photo
contest now these bonuses are worth
$2,000 and on top of all this you’re
getting my man
Banas and my manga bone has been a total
of 45 plus values of the day and product
of the day ordered courses which means
that this bonus is worth a total of
three thousand four hundred and ninety
seven dollars and this is real-world
value again you’re getting actual
software plugins and doubles of the day
awarded products together with the
custom-made bonuses so this is
real-world value and I guarantee you no
one else has a bonus to search like this
okay so guys as always have a full
written review for you so you can check
it out as well and just to sum up this
surge review you’re gonna be getting
autopilot traffic in 60 seconds for free
this is the first tic-tock tic-tock
software for generating traffic newbie
friendly all the video training is
included no monthly fees you can get it
for just 17 bucks one-time fee 90 days
money back guarantee guys this is absolutely crazy you have three months to test it out and actually if you will prove to them that you used it and you didn’t get any traffic they will send you $200 so just an additional crazy guarantee for you okay what I don’t like about search well I absolutely love it but the only thing I thought about is that you have to use tick tock okay so this will not work with Instagram or Facebook or Pinterest you have to use ticked up but with that being said you want to be using Tech Talk because this is right now one of the top is social media apps and it’s only getting bigger okay more and more people are getting into it and no one is really marketing on ticks up which means that you can be one of the first you can automate it and you can make boatloads of cash like amazing imagine being one of the first people that started using Facebook or Instagram for marketing okay so this is exactly what we’re gonna be doing with take tag now guys again if you want to get all of my bonuses all you have to do is just pick it up from my link so to do so click on one of these blue links right here from my blog or if you’re watching this on YouTube the first link in the description will take you to my blog the second link in the description will take you directly to the sales page and the bonus delivery is automated okay so what you to do is just go to your purchase history after picking up search through my link find search in one of your purchases and below the button that says access your purchase you should see a number button saying bonuses from art so do you don’t have to send me emails you don’t have to send me receipts this is all done automatically no matter what link you click right here from my blog or if you’re watching on YouTube can they click on the first or the second like okay so guys this was my search review I hope you enjoyed it I hope you see the power behind it I hope you’re gonna jump on it especially with the early bird it goes at it goes live at 11 a.m. Eastern on I April 9th so make sure to show up early to grab it for just 17 bucks guys this is absolutely crazy if you have any questions please let me know in the comment section below this YouTube video please like this video subscribe to the channel for more reviews videos just like this one and I’ll be seeing you shortly in the next review video job

Surge OTO